Helpful links to sources of information

Discover Cardano

Where to find more infomation

If you want to get involved or just find out more here is a good stating place. Check out the links below. 

Charles Hoskinson
Charles Hoskinson YouTube

Charles Hoskinson the founder or Cardano. In his YouTube channel he gives regular live updates and speaks from the heart.

Cardano Reddit

Sign up for a Reddit account and get regular updates from the Reddit Cardano community.


Daedalus is a full node desktop wallet that runs on Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. It is the flagship wallet for ADA and fully supported by IOG.

Cardano logo
Cardano Forun

For information on Staking and Delegation, to education and meetups.


There are several excellent Telegram accounts discussing various topics regarding Cardano. Cardano Announcements is a good one to start with or if you would like to ask questions try Cardano UK.

Cardano logo the official website of Cardano. ​

More helpful links

As we find links and information that we find helpful we will add below. If you would like other links added here please contact us in the all things Cardano telegram channel

Link to my 12 year old daughters website

Block Chain

We start with a simple explanation of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain. The intention is to add to this to eventually lead to a comprehensive guide covering Cryptocurrency Blockchain and Cardano.

Tax Info

Cryptocurrency tax can be a minefield to navigate. We start with some links and videos to help you to navigate this.


adatainment allows you to search for your answers to questions from Charles Hoskinson YouTube videos. You simply put in key words from your questions to see if it has been answered. You can then watch a clip that refers to this.